Patrick Lühne
Hasso Plattner Institute
University of Potsdam
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2–3
14482 Potsdam, Germany
Patrick Lühne
Research Projects

Haptic Turk: A Motion Platform Based on People
Cheng, L., Lühne, P., Sterz, C., Baudisch, P.
In Proceedings of CHI 2014 (to appear)

Imaginary Reality Gaming: Ball Games Without a Ball
Baudisch, P., Pohl, H., Reinicke, S., Wittmers, E., Lühne, P., Knaust, M., Köhler, S., Schmidt, P., Holz, C.
In Proceedings of UIST 2013, 405–410

GravitySpace: Tracking Users and Their Poses in a Smart Room Using a Pressure-Sensing Floor
Bränzel, A., Holz, C., Hoffmann, D., Schmidt, D., Knaust, M., Lühne, P., Meusel, R., Richter, S., Baudisch, P.
In Proceedings of CHI 2013, 725–734
Other Projects

UFO Jumble
multiplayer network game
Professional Activities
Web and Design Chair
Augmented Human 2013